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Presentation of the Tennis Federation - Eduard Zak. 

Information about the Federation.

On April 2, 2014, the Public Organization “Tennis Federation of the Odintsovo Municipal District of the Moscow Region” was registered by the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Since 2014, up to 100 people have been and are engaged in the Federation. Currently, 40 young athletes, aged from 5 to 17 years, play tennis.

Since the beginning of 2016, the Federation has been holding competitions under the auspices of ERTL 10S “Minitennis” (reports on, in the “News” section).

Since the creation of the Federation, about 10 athletes have been participating in the Russian Tennis Tour, which takes place throughout the Russian Federation and abroad (Croatia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece).

The Importance of Physical Fitness in Tennis

by adminDecember 26, 2023079

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Physical fitness plays a vital role in the game of tennis. It is a demanding sport that requires players to have exceptional agility, endurance, strength, and mental focus. In fact, many tennis enthusiasts believe that physical fitness is just as important as technical skills when it comes to achieving success on the court. This article aims to highlight the significance of physical fitness in tennis.

First and foremost, tennis is a highly active sport that involves constant movement. Players need to be able to sprint across the court, change directions quickly, and react promptly to their opponent’s shots. Without proper physical fitness, players can become easily fatigued, leading to a decline in performance. Regular conditioning exercises, such as running, sprinting, and agility drills, help to improve cardiovascular endurance, allowing players to last longer during matches and maintain their energy levels throughout.

Moreover, strength and power are essential components in tennis. The ability to generate force and transfer it into shots can make all the difference in winning or losing a point. A strong core, upper body, and lower body muscles contribute to a player’s ability to hit powerful groundstrokes and serves. Incorporating strength training exercises, such as weightlifting, resistance training, and plyometrics, can greatly enhance a player’s overall strength and power on the court.

In addition to physical strength, flexibility and coordination are crucial for achieving optimal performance in tennis. The sport involves a wide range of motions, such as lunging, reaching, and stretching. A flexible body enables players to move freely and efficiently without the risk of injury. Stretching exercises, yoga, and Pilates are effective ways to improve flexibility and enhance coordination, allowing players to execute shots with precision and elegance.

Furthermore, mental focus and concentration play a significant role in tennis. Physical fitness helps in enhancing mental alertness and concentration levels. Regular exercise has been proven to increase blood flow to the brain, promoting the release of endorphins and other chemicals that improve mood and alleviate stress. This, in turn, enhances mental clarity, concentration, and decision-making abilities on the court.

To conclude, physical fitness is of utmost importance in the game of tennis. From endurance and strength to flexibility and mental focus, being physically fit enables players to perform at their best. Incorporating a well-rounded fitness regimen that includes cardio, strength training, stretching, and mental exercises is crucial for tennis players aspiring to excel in the sport. So, whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, make sure to prioritize physical fitness to enhance your overall performance on the court.

Как научиться играть – звоните +79266041818 Школа тенниса В.И.Иванова.

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Презентация Федерации | Теннис в Кубинке
Как научиться играть – звоните +79266041818 Школа тенниса В.И.Иванова | большой теннис

Unleash your inner champion on the court with ODIN Tennis. Experience the ultimate exhilaration of playing tennis like never before. Enhance your skills, ignite your passion, and dominate the game. Are you ready to step up your game? Visit and unleash the power within!


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Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Serve Accuracy in Tennis

by adminDecember 14 Презентация Федерации | Теннис в Кубинке

Tips and tricks to improve your serve accuracy in tennis are essential for any player looking to up their game. A powerful and accurate serve can give you a significant advantage over your opponent, allowing you to gain control of the point right from the start. In this article, we will discuss some valuable techniques and strategies that can help you improve your serve accuracy, blank-1.

1. Focus on your toss: The toss is the foundation of a good serve. Make sure to practice your toss consistently and aim for a high and consistent toss. This will enable you to have ample time to position yourself correctly and strike the ball at the ideal contact point.

2. Maintain a relaxed grip: Many players make the mistake of gripping the racket too tightly during serves, leading to a lack of control and accuracy. Practice having a relaxed grip, especially during the ball toss and the initial motion of your serve. This will not only improve your accuracy but also help generate more power.

3. Utilize your legs and core: A strong serve involves utilizing your entire body, including your legs and core muscles. Bend your knees and explode upwards using your leg power to generate more force in your serve. Engaging your core muscles will help maintain stability and control throughout the motion.

4. Find your rhythm and timing: Serving is all about rhythm and timing. Practice finding a consistent rhythm and timing in your service motion. Experiment and fine-tune your technique until you find a comfortable and efficient motion that works for you. Consistency in your motion will greatly improve serve accuracy.

5. Target placement: Instead of always going for maximum power, focus on serving with accuracy and targeting specific areas of the court. Aim for the corners, close to the lines, or at the weak spots of your opponent. This will force them into difficult returns and increase your chances of winning points.

6. Visualize your success: Visualization is a powerful technique used by many athletes to improve their performance. Before each serve, take a moment to visualize exactly where you want the ball to land. By visualizing success, you are training your mind to focus on your targets and increasing the chances of hitting accurate serves.

7. Practice regularly: Improving your serve accuracy requires consistent practice. Set aside dedicated practice sessions for serving and focus on the specific techniques mentioned above. Regular practice will help you develop muscle memory and improve your overall serving skills.

In conclusion, improving your serve accuracy in tennis is a goal that every player should strive for. By following these tips and tricks, you can enhance your serve, gain more control, and increase your chances of success on the court. So, remember to focus on your toss, maintain a relaxed grip, engage your legs and core, find your rhythm and timing, target your placements, visualize success, and practice regularly. With time and dedication, you will see a significant improvement in your serve accuracy, blank-1.

Publisher Details:

Как научиться играть – звоните +79266041818 Школа тенниса В.И.Иванова | большой теннис

Unleash your inner champion on the court with ODIN Tennis. Experience the ultimate exhilaration of playing tennis like never before. Enhance your skills, ignite your passion, and dominate the game. Are you ready to step up your game? Visit and unleash the power within!


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